

Turn Leads Into Greater Revenue

Introducing the Estimated Revenue Calculator

Discover the total account revenue potential for each group business deal all in one place. With the Estimated Revenue Calculator (ERC), you’ll understand where to focus your sales resources to grow meetings revenue faster.

  • Understand total revenue potential for each prospect.
  • Compare the revenue potential for multiple accounts.
  • Estimate revenue by meeting space, guest rooms, and other services.
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Grow overall revenue with Knowland
Increase sales productivity with Knowland
Prioritize your top accounts with Knowland

How Hotels Are Using It to Drive Revenue

Decisions in our Business Review Meetings are fast and easy with the insights from ERC. We prioritize the deals that will bring in the most revenue and focus on winning the business!

Senior Director of Sales, Luxury Business Hotel
It's a great tool to help decide which account to offer guest rooms to when need dates overlap because I can easily identify the account with the highest future revenue potential.
Revenue Manager, Convention Hotel

The ERC helps me manage my time better. I'm more productive by knowing the value of the account I'm working on rather than just hurrying to meet an RFP deadline. 


Sales Manager, Airport Hotel

See How It Works

The Estimated Revenue Calculator is the latest enhancement to the Knowland Platform. Ask your Knowland representative to see it today.

Years in Business
User Searches (2021)
Historic Events
Boxes of Donuts

Sell Smarter. Sell More. With Knowland.

Optimize decision-making by understanding the total account potential for every lead. Now you can focus on the right business at the right time. Talk to a Knowland data expert today.